3.12.24 MW MA March Dinner Meeting

3.12.24 MW MA March Dinner Meeting






Polka Dot Powerhouse is about making genuine connections with the world's most positive, action forward and amazing women to build lifelong friendships and business relationships.  We lift each other up! 

Join us for our connect and meet fabulous current and future "Dots." We bring positivity and enthusiasm to every meeting. Do you want to surround yourself with positive, abundance mind-set, goal-oriented women? If you're ready to move forward and up both personally and professionally you're ready to create positive change in your life, then this is the group for you. 

You must register to attend. (Please log in to your account before registering)

Please arrive on time. The meeting is from 6:30-8:30pm EST.  Doors open at 6:00pm EST for mingling and networking.

Have you ever overridden what your gut told you to do by using logic and reasoning, only to discover that it may not have been the best choice? Do you need help determining if you are going in the right direction or help remove the obstacles to your success (in whatever you choose) that you know exists for you? 

Join us this evening as long time MetroWest member, Donna McGurk of Donna McGurk Coaching, helps us "tune in" to what our body is telling us to help us find our passion; by the end of the meeting, you will have more awareness and trust in body sensations and insight that is not based in logical thought!



Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 03-12-2024 6:30 pm
Meeting End Date/Time 03-12-2024 8:30 pm
Capacity 20
Registered 17
Remaining Seats Available 3
Location Olive Garden Framingham

We are no longer accepting registration for this meeting