Pend d'Oreille Chapter Meeting 2-4 pm In Person

Pend d'Oreille Chapter Meeting 2-4 pm In Person

 Featured speaker:  Verena Weiss 


Title of presentation: "Etiquette as a Way of Life".  


Power & Compassion -- Energy & Presence -- Elegance & Humility

Once you can effortlessly combine these into your persona, you have mastered etiquette and manners. 

In our increasingly informal world, the call for intersocietal rules gets much louder. Some people have a natural talent to navigate in social settings and some would like to improve. Etiquette gives everybody a clear roadmap on what to expect and what's expected. This leads to more ease in our social conduct. I call this freedom. My mission is to become more self-aware and thus contribute to a kinder, more compassionate world. 



You will learn about the philosophy behind etiquette and manners and what other areas etiquette can be applied to (mind, body & soul). We will look at our thoughts & words, body & presence, intentions & emotions; and how those aspects create our persona. 



Personal Bio:

Verena Weiss: I was born in Germany, have a master's degree in Linguistics, moved to the US at 21 years old, lived in Colorado, work in Real Estate and am currently bringing my Soul Business to life. It is called 

"The Etiquette Effect". I am married and live in Coeur d'Alene. I love traveling and would love to see more of the Orient. 


Please register you and your guest (and or cancel) no later than April 11, 2025 at 3 pm PST, so the staff at Echart's can provide exceptional customer service. 


** Pending final attendance count, we will either order individually from the delicious menu or we will have an awesome Lunch Buffet $20- a culinary offering for all dietary needs!  Please plan to have lunch with us, as our meeting space is complimentary when all members and guests purchase lunch.  

Arrive 15-20 minutes early to socialize. Marketing table available for your business cards

Looking forward to meeting you 



Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 04-14-2025 2:00 pm
Meeting End Date/Time 04-14-2025 4:00 pm
Capacity 35
Registered 5
Remaining Seats Available 30
Location Eicharts Grill Sandpoint