11:30am-1:30pm CST Wausau, WI Lunch Connection -- February 13th

11:30am-1:30pm CST Wausau, WI Lunch Connection -- February 13th

Polka Dot Powerhouse is an totally unique Connection Company.

It is our mission to connect the world’s most positive, action-forward, powerhouse women to build lifelong friendships & business relationships.

This is our Wausau, WI chapters monthly IN-PERSON business connection meeting. We are holding the space to build relationships with you as a positive, action-forward, & open to future collaborations in life & business woman in our chapter! When you're ready to say yes to showing up for yourself as a fun & supportive sisterhood then this chapter gathering is for you! We have this In-Person connection meeting is the 2nd Thursday 11:30am-1:30pm CST

How does the Wausau Polka Dot Powerhouse Chapter Virtual meeting work?

(2) hrs with a full guided structure designed to connect with every person in our Wausau Chapter Dot bubble!

Every one shares a Celebration - Quantum Physics tells us that when we go in an energy for 17secs or more we continue to move in that energy, so we start in positivity.
We are here to hold the space of positivity for one another in this scheduled time together!
Everyone will have the opportunity to introduce themselves & share WHO YOU ARE & what you get to do!
We will ask about your DOT sister collaborations you have had & are continuing to grow with to highlight how we are benefiting from using our connections both locally & globally because remember you can use your Polka Dot membership in many amazing ways!
We will ask what New Events/Products/Services you have going on in your world that your excited to share & invite your DOT sisters to come along for!
We will ask what referrals/DOT sisters you might be on the look out for, so we can get one another connected to who we need in this season of our life! We will have an amazing 20 min speaker (personal & professional development topics) to support each of our growth in becoming more of who we are & how we each impact our communities!
We will always have a Group Picture (one nice & one round of FUN shots, so feel free to have a prop at the ready!) & we will set up speed connection time with breakout rooms for our remaining time together.
We will send out our requests for DOT 1:1 connects & depart to carry our positive energy out into our communities & share the DOT love!

Do I have to pay to play?

We are all about try before you buy! Come visit our business connection meeting our BONUS sister & see the value you will receive when you commit to yourself with positive action forward high vibe connectors! You'll be ready for more after your first meeting & when you do want more - join us using the Polk Dot Powerhouse Annual Membership options of our standard sisterhood level or our Diamond Business focused level on sisterhood support & connection! We are holding space to meet, greet, & welcome you in 2025!!!

Sending Heart Hugs & Big Dot Love,
Wausau PDP Chapter Leadership Support Team

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 02-13-2025 11:30 am
Meeting End Date/Time 02-13-2025 1:30 pm
Capacity 30
Registered 9
Remaining Seats Available 21
Location 2510

We are no longer accepting registration for this meeting