Denver, CO
Launched In:
August 2014

Chapter Leadership:

Mel Cunningham
Managing Director

Nina Anderson
Chapter Operations

Ann Brecke
Membership Retention Lead

Aly B Spencer
New Member Support Lead

Lydia Gillis
Public Relations Lead

Monika Anderson
Social Media Lead

Melissa Timberman
Newsletter Coordinator
Welcome to the Denver Chapter of Polka Dot Powerhouse!
Together in 2025, Let's...."Collaborate! Shine Bright! and Flourish!
What is Polka Dot Powerhouse?
- Polka Dot Powerhouse is a totally unique Connection Company. It is our mission to connect the world’s most positive, action-forward, amazing women to build lifelong friendships and business relationships.
Monthly Meetings
- Each month, we host 4 in-person connect meetings - morning, lunch and evening - giving our members and guests the opportunity to choose the date that works best for their schedule.
- Cost to attend lunch and evening meetings is $20 for your lunch and this includes your meal, tax and gratuity .
- Our two lunch meetings each month will host a guest speaker that provides education, inspiration, and a place for community.
- At our morning and evening meetings each month we have a fun and interactive activity allowing us to deepen our connections with each other.
- All guests and members are encouraged to come 15 minutes early for extra time to connect before our lunch and evening meetings.
- At our morning meeting we encourage you to allow for time to connect following meeting.
Other Monthly Events
- We acknowledge that in order to build meaningful relationships, we will want to meet more than once a month. So, in addition to our monthly meeting, we also host multiple monthly social events. These events are posted in our Members Only Facebook Group.
What to Expect at a Monthly Meeting:
- Introduction – You will receive 60 seconds to introduce yourself and your business or whatever lights you up.
- Celebrations – Share one thing (personal or professional) that we can celebrate with you.
- Collaborations – Who are you collaborating with, meet with, have lunch with or doing business together.
- Events or Workshops - What do you have coming up that we need to know about and participate in.
- Chapter and Company News Update
- Featured Speaker - At our first two meetings each month
- Believe Award – You’ll just have to come and see what this is all about
- Guests are invited to attend one Polka Dot Powerhouse chapter meeting without being a member!
- After that, we are pretty sure you will know that you’ve found the sisterhood and community you’ve always wanted!
- We'd love to have you "Like" our FB Page to stay on top of all the fun things we are doing. Here's the link: Denver Chapter FB Page
Have More Questions:
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to get more information.
Mel Cunningham – Managing Director
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Upcoming Meetings:
Wed April 16th In-Person Lunch Connect Meeting from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm MST
04-16-2025 11:30 am
-1:30 pm
Thurs April 17th In-Person Lunch Connect Meeting from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm MST
04-17-2025 11:30 am
-1:30 pm
Thurs April 17th In-Person Late Afternoon Connect from 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm MST
04-17-2025 4:30 pm
-6:30 pm
Wed May 21st In-Person Lunch Connect Meeting from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm MST
05-21-2025 11:30 am
-1:30 pm
Thurs May 22st In-Person Lunch Connect Meeting from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm MST
05-22-2025 11:30 am
-1:30 pm
Thurs March 20th In-Person Late Afternoon Connect from 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm MST
05-22-2025 4:30 pm
-6:30 pm
Wed June 18th In-Person Lunch Connect Meeting from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm MST
06-18-2025 11:30 am
-1:30 pm
Thurs June 19th In-Person Lunch Connect Meeting from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm MST
06-19-2025 11:30 am
-1:30 pm
Thurs June 19th In-Person Late Afternoon Connect from 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm MST
06-19-2025 4:30 pm
-6:30 pm