San Francisco, CA

CONNECTION We aim to connect San Francisco's most positive, action-forward, and amazing women to build lifelong friendships and business relationships. We connect, collaborate, and refer business to each other. We invite women from all walks of life ranging from industry experts to entrepreneurs and women who are considering a career change. We mentor, encourage, and push each other to the next level.
COMMUNITY We are here to support, foster, and grow great personal relationships that build into solid life-long business partnerships and collaborations.
COLLABORATION We encourage our members to create meaningful collaborations with each other to foster growth in your businesses and industry
CELEBRATE We celebrate all the amazing things that happen in each member's life - something we rarely do for ourselves.
OPPORTUNITIES TO ENGAGE On our monthly virtual meetings, you'll meet like-minded women who establish long-term referral partnerships and alliances in addition to new clients. When you're a member, you'll find our friendly upbeat environment allows you to create relationships that cultivate the best qualities of yourself while facilitating the same in others.
GUEST SOCIAL HOUR Third Thursday of the Month, High Horse Restaurant in San Francisco. This is a great way to hang out after work, visit and learn more about our community. Guests are welcome with our members. Guests are invited.
QUARTERLY WORKSHOPS The San Francisco chapter meets once a quarter in person to enjoy a deeper dive into useful skills in business, health, and relationship building. This is a fun way to grow, learn, and get to know members!
GLOBAL CONNECTIONS Your membership with Polka Dot Powerhouse gives you immediate access to the worldwide membership through our member directory. Dots all across the Globe are here to support, collaborate, and celebrate you and your business! Polka Dot Powerhouse has a vigorous online presence through Social Media groups and Zoom virtual Connect meetings. You'll meet women in our chapter and across the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. and Australia.
Register to attend one of our next events below.
For more information contact:
Mindy Van Vleet
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