Shakopee Evening Connect 12/12/19

Shakopee Evening Connect 12/12/19

It is our mission to connect the world's most positive, action forward, amazing women to build lifelong friendships and business relationships.

Your first meeting is complimentary to come check us out, you are responsible for your meal

we would love to have YOU join us!  Please register as seats are limited

Liz Hanly is our presenter and her topic is The Importance of Print

She will discuss the importance of digital vs print images.  How does this effect us as well as our families

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 12-12-2019 6:00 pm
Meeting End Date/Time 12-12-2019 8:00 pm
Capacity 30
Registered 19
Remaining Seats Available 11
Location Dangerfield's

We are no longer accepting registration for this meeting

Location Map