April Stevens Point Chapter Meeting

April Stevens Point Chapter Meeting

Join us to learn from the amazing Judy Hahn as she presents: "Me Time - It's Non-Negotiable." 

Judy says, "Entrepreneurs wear all the hats. Office workers put it a LOT of overtime. Mompreneurs fill in with other jobs on top of motherhood such as being an Uber driver, direct marketer, and more. Women often work and give too much. We sacrifice healthy things like yoga and working out. We skip meals - or eat junk food on the run. As a result, we are often off balance with physical, emotional and mental health - body, mind & spirit.

I'm going to teach you about self-care. Stress management. Finding some work/life balance, self worth, confidence and self-esteem. And how to have a more meaningful existence with my exclusive 10 tips for self-care."

Visit Judy's website to learn more: http://hahnholistichealth.com/

Our Stevens Point Chapter meets at Grazie's in Stevens Point in the room the call the "Wine Room."  Come and enjoy time with our members, guests, and wonderful guest speaker.

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 04-19-2018 11:30 am
Meeting End Date/Time 04-19-2018 1:30 am
Capacity 30
Registered 13
Remaining Seats Available 17
Location Grazies

We are no longer accepting registration for this meeting

Location Map