8/15/24 ~ Member Only Monthly Mastermind

8/15/24 ~ Member Only Monthly Mastermind

One of the MANY benefits of a Polka Dot Powerhouse Membership is the opportunity to expand our understanding and credibility in the market place by sharing valuable skills and knowledge that helps our sisters in business.


These opportunities are limited to EIGHT members to register for each month. We will keep the group small to allow ample time for all to share and benefit from the experience.


Our facilitator, Heather Black, will keep participants on track by allowing each to share a particular area in business that other participants may have experience to help move the 'asker' in a positive direction more quickly.


This is a fantastic opportunity to learn about the benefits of a Master Mind group as it pertains to business.  Our organization offers a higher-level Diamond Membership that is optional for those who wish to belong to Small Group Master Minds with women around the world.  


If you register and are unable to attend, please cancel your registration to avoid a wait-list for those who would wish to attend when the event is full.


Thank you!

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 08-15-2024 2:00 pm
Meeting End Date/Time 08-15-2024 3:30 pm
Capacity 8
Registered 4
Remaining Seats Available 4
Location Cafe Lola

We are no longer accepting registration for this meeting

Location Map