1/11 North Idaho Chapter Meeting Lunch 12-2pm (PST) In-Person

1/11 North Idaho Chapter Meeting Lunch 12-2pm (PST) In-Person

January 11th Chapter Meeting 

Topic: Keep What You Earn!


Description: Simple Tax Saving Strategies Every Business Owner should know about.


Speaker:  Rebecca Brown


What attendees can expect to learn:

  • How to Keep more of your hard earned money.


Speaker Bio: 

Rebecca Brown CPA is from Kansas City, MO. She sold a thriving accounting practice to one of her employees in 2021. She mustered up every ounce of courage she had, and hit the road, a single woman, full time RVing. She had a blast, traveling. She stayed at Harvest Hosts (like an airbnb for RVers). One of the Harvest Hosts, was a former real estate agent. He showed her some land for sale outside of St. Maries. She bought the land, build a house and the former Real Estate Agent is now her boyfriend. Rebecca re-launched her business August 1st here in Couer D'Alene Idaho. She specializes in helping middle class business owners reduce their tax bill. She runs a smooth operation focused on continuous improvement, responsiveness and efficiency.

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 01-11-2024 12:00 pm
Meeting End Date/Time 01-11-2024 2:00 pm
Capacity 35
Registered 29
Remaining Seats Available 6
Location Seasons

We are no longer accepting registration for this meeting

Location Map