Palo Alto Chapter August Connect Meeting with Michelle Walters

Palo Alto Chapter August Connect Meeting with Michelle Walters

A voracious imagination advocate, team leader, and corporate life graduate, Michelle Walters writes and speaks on themes associated with the power of mind, positivity, spirituality and the law of attraction. Michelle is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Executive Coach and Author of “An Alignment of Spirit: Finding Work You Love.” Michelle helps her clients by sharing her expert knowledge of human nature, identifying and elevating client strengths, and facilitating personal transformations. She can be reached through her website at:

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 08-20-2024 11:30 am
Meeting End Date/Time 08-20-2024 1:30 pm
Capacity 30
Registered 17
Remaining Seats Available 13
Location Pacfic Catch

We are no longer accepting registration for this meeting

Location Map