The One Page Business Plan -

The One Page Business Plan -

The Fastest, Easiest Way to Write Your Business Plan! Creating a plan has never been easier than using the One Page Business Plan® protocol. This concise process will bring new energy to your business and you'll find that the greatest value is developing a one year action plan that guides your business decisions and focuses your resources where they'll be most productive. Support Your Business Success With An Actionable Plan! • The One Page Business Plan is a tool for building your business with care and intention. • Your one page plan is a living, breathing document that will partner with you through the ebbs and flows of business growth. • Hold yourself accountable while allowing shift and change to guide your path. • Increase your commitment and track your progress. • Start every year with an updated plan… Then put it into action!

Cynthia Riggs is the Biz Diva! A successful entrepreneur since the age of 23, Cynthia built several businesses from the ground up, including a multimillion-dollar company she sold in 2004. She became a One Page Business Plan consultant in 2006 and has continuously used the protocol to support emerging and established businesses step into their next level of success and profitability. On a personal note, she believes her good fortune in life has been the ability to connect her passion to a profitable revenue stream, time and time again. Her greatest joy is bringing women entrepreneurs into the seven figure business club.


Zoom Meeting ID: 650-799-8768

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 06-15-2021 11:30 am
Meeting End Date/Time 06-15-2021 1:00 pm
Capacity 35
Registered 18
Remaining Seats Available 17
Speaker Cynthia Riggs

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