1/22/25-San Francisco 1st Quarter Member/Guest Workshop (In person 5:30-7:30PM)

1/22/25-San Francisco 1st Quarter Member/Guest Workshop (In person 5:30-7:30PM)

Join us for our 1st Quarter Member/Guest In-Person Workshop

Location:Thriving Women in Business-3115 Clement St. San Francisco



Speaker:  Penny Kidd

Journey to Financial Freedom

We’re all on a journey with our finances, but each path is different. Join us as we explore some ways to help you arrive at your destination safely and securely. You will leave with some great tips and motivation to make your journey easier.


She’s not an investor or advisor, she’s a Financial Coach. Pennywise Coaching is about helping you connect your Money, Goals, and Values by creating systems and behavior to achieve your goals. Eliminating high-interest debt and planning for expenses allows her clients to find peace and prosperity in their finances. Penny Kidd was a Social Worker for 30 years who is non-judgmental, mentoring others who are ready to achieve financial independence. Penny takes the shame and embarrassment out of money by being a compassionate educator, coach, and accountability partner to women and small business owners for over a decade. She’s been married over 33 years to Marc, and they’ve been Debt-Free since 2013. They have two amazing kids who have graduated from college without student loans, and a spoiled dog named Sadie who has taken their place in the nest. TOPIC: Journey to Financial Freedom We’re all on a journey with our finances, but each path is different. Join us as we explore some ways to help you arrive at your destination safely and securely. You will leave with some great tips and motivation to make your journey easier.

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 01-22-2025 5:30 pm
Meeting End Date/Time 01-22-2025 7:30 pm
Capacity 30
Registered 2
Remaining Seats Available 28
Location Thriving Women in Business Center

Location Map