Your Internal Landscape: Leading Self and Your Business from Within 3/2 (In person Treasure Valley, ID)

Your Internal Landscape: Leading Self and Your Business from Within 3/2 (In person Treasure Valley, ID)
Summary: The most important relationship you have is the one with yourself. Leadership comes from self. Knowing yourself requires time, courage and intention. It is a self-authenticating journey that begins with you and all relationships flow from here. Join me for a deep dive into your beautiful self and soul. Walk away with new tools and the inspiration to keep developing the relationship with the most important person which is you.
Bio: Sandra Wood has been a certified relationship coach for over eighteen years. Her mission is to empower, ignite and inspire women to end toxic and unhealthy relationships so they can be free to be the best version of themselves. She is an entrepreneur, professional speaker and published author. 
Sandra has had many career re-iterations like most middle aged women. Including being a labor and delivery Doula, and also worked for several years in nonprofit management and leadership which included working at The Ronald McDonald House and most recently at St. Luke's Cancer Institute as an Oncology Manager. 
She is married, has two adult daughters and two grandsons. She has been living in Idaho for over 36 years, and loves to hike in the foothills, travel and teach yoga. 

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 03-02-2023 11:30 am
Meeting End Date/Time 03-02-2023 1:30 pm
Capacity 40
Registered 28
Remaining Seats Available 12
Location Twigs Bistro

We are no longer accepting registration for this meeting

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