MEMBERS ONLY Chapter Anniversary Celebration 7 years! 3/18

MEMBERS ONLY Chapter Anniversary Celebration 7 years! 3/18



This will be a MEMBERS ONLY meeting to celebrate our 7 year chapter birthday/anniversary! 

We will not have a featured speaker and instead will have a fun dot connection activity along with some treats. 

Come dressed in your best dot outfit (if you'd like)! Some of us will be wearing our past Celebration t-shirts and some will be wearing their best pink and orange gear or maybe even some polka dots. Whatever sounds fun to you!

Again, please don't invite any guests. Thank you!

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 03-18-2025 6:30 pm
Meeting End Date/Time 03-18-2025 8:30 pm
Capacity 40
Registered 22
Remaining Seats Available 18
Location Tequila Room

Location Map