UK Monthly Chapter Meeting Online 18th, March 12:00pm -14:00pm GMT

UK Monthly Chapter Meeting Online 18th, March 12:00pm -14:00pm GMT

Styling from the Inside Out

Styling from the inside out, women gain the confidence to express who they are, get clarity on what works for them, and have a plan and process to create a successful and supportive wardrobe that provides what they need, aligns with who they are, and communicates what they choose with ease.

       Your personal style is you expressed on the outside in your personal and professional life

       Build confidence from within, understand yourself, communicate confidently

                     Become consciously curious about yourself and your style

 Speaker:  Lucy Barrett

Lucy is a Style Coach who supports professional women and female business owners to unleash their

inner confidence and authentically express their essence through the way they dress in their personal and

professional life.

Connect & Collaborate

We believe in building connections and relationships first. This way, those looking to do business together will do so organically and naturally because people tend to do business with people they know, like, and trust. Everything we do is built on solid relationships.

Meeting Agenda (Please plan to arrive 15 minutes before we start so you can say hi on Zoom)

Introductions: During our introductions, each person has 60 seconds to share about themselves and/or their business.

Chapter news

Guest speaker presentation 

Networking - Breakout rooms during this time

The Dot Community is different! Polka Dot Powerhouse is different than other networking groups. We all join Polka Dot Powerhouse for many reasons. Some come for personal relationships, and some for business.


Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 03-18-2025 12:00 pm
Meeting End Date/Time 03-18-2025 2:00 pm
Capacity 30
Registered 6
Remaining Seats Available 24
Location Online (Zoom Link in Confirmation Email)

Location Map