Polka Dot Powerhouse Worldwide Connect- January 26 2023 11 am CT

Polka Dot Powerhouse Worldwide Connect- January 26 2023 11 am CT

We would love to see you join us!

Polka Dot Powerhouse is a community where like-minded individuals come together to learn, network, be inspired, and empower each other personally and professionally. 

GUESTS are welcome! We treat you to one "free" Polka Dot Powerhouse Meeting! ALL MEMBERS are encouraged to attend to increase GLOBAL CONNECTIONS. Register below to get the Zoom link!

Speaker: Rikki Smith

Topic: Leverage public speaking to grow your business

Description: Public speaking can be used as a way to build, grow, and show your business, products, and services. If used correctly public speaking is a valuable tool for marketing your brand.


Tell, don't sell

Clarify the public speaking goal

speak where and how you are most comfortable.

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 01-26-2023 11:00 am
Meeting End Date/Time 01-26-2023 1:00 pm
Capacity 50
Registered 48
Remaining Seats Available 2
Location Online (Zoom Link in Confirmation Email)

We are no longer accepting registration for this meeting

Location Map