Polka Dot Powerhouse Worldwide Online Connect- March 17 2025 (11-1 PM CT)

Polka Dot Powerhouse Worldwide Online Connect- March 17 2025 (11-1 PM CT)


A community where like-minded individuals come together to learn, network, be inspired, and empower each other personally and professionally.

GUESTS are welcome! We treat you to one "free" Polka Dot Powerhouse Meeting! ALL MEMBERS are encouraged to attend to increase GLOBAL CONNECTIONS.

Register below to get the Zoom link!

Speaker:  Rebecca Faust

Title: Permission Granted: Redefine, Reframe, and Thrive

Description: Let's talk about reframing a personality trait, way of being, "bad habit", etc. so that it's not something we need/want to fix or change.


1. It's perfectly OKAY to want an aspect of yourself to be different.

2. You are worthy, because of this aspect of yourself.

3. It can be reframed so you can see it differently, more lovingly.

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 03-17-2025 11:00 am
Meeting End Date/Time 03-17-2025 1:00 pm
Capacity 50
Registered 31
Remaining Seats Available 19
Location Online (Zoom Link in Confirmation Email)

Location Map